Fair Play Documentary

Figuring out division of labor is an important factor for couples to be aware of after starting a family. The domestic work dramatically increases when children come in to the picture and a lot of invisible labor tends to fall on women. The documentary Fair Play follows four families in their struggle to figure out the balance of care work at home. For couples in the middle of this struggle, watching this together may help with opening up the conversation.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Exposures

If you are on medication or considering starting medication while pregnant or breastfeeding, you want to make sure you talk to your healthcare provider. It can also be helpful to have easy to understand language around the different medications and exposures. Mother To Baby Fact Sheets summarize all the available scientific information to determine whether or not parents and their developing babies are at risk because of an exposure in their environment. This is a valuable resource when considering medication and can help to feel more informed before having a longer conversation with your medical provider.

Sleep Training and TikTok

This article is a good reminder to be mindful of our social media intake. It may be helpful to limit how much we watch social media around parenting issues, especially hot button topics like sleep training. If we start to feel worse or triggered by parenting posts, we can always put down our phone and unfollow.

Night Terrors: How TikTok has supercharged the age-old debate over sleep training.

By Laura Hazard Owen